Be Good - Do Good - Think Good - Feeeeel Good..

Be Good - Do Good - Think Good - Feeeeel Good.. Dan kehidupan dunia ini hanyalah permainan dan senda gurau. Sedangkan akhirat itu sungguh lebih baik bagi orang-orang yang bertaqwa. Tidakkan kamu mengerti?" -[6:32]

Friday 14 October 2011

Hepi B'Day my beloved wife

I am so thankful that I am able to wish you a Happy Birthday. Allah has blessed me with a wonderful wife and mother to our children. I hope you have a wonderful and restful birthday, you deserve every second of it. You are wonderful and I love you so much :) ... muaahhh
Thanks to MonRod Restaurant for da "free cake" & b'day + special songs for my wife (live band).. Siap tutup lampu & pasang lilin lagi sambil para pekerja nyanyi "Hepi B'day".. huhuuu.. tak ralat & tak sia2 aku habiskan $$$ kat MonRod mlm tadi. Unfortunately aku tak bawak kamera unt rakam detik2 manis tu. That was the best event at MonRod for my beloved wife.

Menu sarapan pagi hari ni yerlah "kek semalam"


  1. Btw,happy birthday to your wifey. Have bless from Him and hopefully both of you will happy ever and after.
