Be Good - Do Good - Think Good - Feeeeel Good..

Be Good - Do Good - Think Good - Feeeeel Good.. Dan kehidupan dunia ini hanyalah permainan dan senda gurau. Sedangkan akhirat itu sungguh lebih baik bagi orang-orang yang bertaqwa. Tidakkan kamu mengerti?" -[6:32]

Tuesday, 11 January 2011

no more monday blues.. it's crazy mon-tue-wed-thu

:(... Walked out from 2010 with a new goal setting to improve work life effectiveness. Unfortunately it turn out with not so good start in this first month of year 2011. Monday blues is just a dream... Sunday nite is just like working on nite shift... crunching data, converting the numbers & play with graphs & putting all these into powerpoint to prepare for mtg on early mon morning & to be ready to start the crazy weekdays. With back to back meeting + long "working session" + extra work load for covering other ppl + monitoring unnecessary things really really really drive me crazy. No breakfast & sometimes have to skip my lunch time.. uuhhhh..
Ya Allah.. give me more strength....

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